Post-operative instructions(surgery extraction)
Dear Patient, the following instructions are to help you in the recovery of your dental surgery. The bleeding is stopped by pressure and not by rinses. The most important thing for a good recovery is to preserve the blood clot formed in the extraction hole.
- Bite the gauze for 30-40 mintues after the surgery
- If still bleeding after remove it, put another gauze and bite it firmly for 20 min; if still bleeding bite a dry bag for 30 min.
- ake the recommended or prescribed medicine for pain following the instructions given by the doctor.
- Remain quiet, avoid physical efforts, sun exposure and abrupt head movements.
- Sleep the first two nights with your head higher than the rest of your body.
- When brushing your teeth, beware of the blood clot.
- Soft and cold diet for the first 24 hrs.
- After 3 days of surgery, do warm salt/water rinses for 1 minute, 5 to 10 times a day.
Post-operative instructions(Bone graft or dental implant)
The procedure that has been performed on me today is considered surgical and requires of specific care which if not done properly this could compromise the results of the treatment.
The following instructions will help you take care of the treated area adequately.
- Cold and soft diet the first 24 hours. The second and third day the diet could be warm but soft, and ont he fourth day you could chew avoiding the treated area.
- =NO spitting
- =NO drinking with a straw
- NO smoking for 3 weeks(the nicotine in the circulation and the smoke in the oral cavity could effect the acceptance on behalf of your body and the implanted materials – bone and membrane if applicable as well as the healing process on the treated tissue resulting in loosening and failure of the procedure)
- If there were to be blood, make pressure with gauze (which was provided to you) for 10 minutes, wet preferably with cold water
- Maintain bed rest, avoid hard physical work, being exposed to the sun, and lowering your head roughly, especially for the first 48 hours.
- Sleep the first two nights with your head higher than the rest of your body. (this is to avoid bleeding and/or inflammation out of normal)
- Take your prescribed medications (Anti-biotic and Anti-Flammatory) and follow the instructions as per the doctor’s recommendations.
- Maintain the area clean.
- DO NOT introduce any foreign object between the sutures to clean the area.
- DO NOT pull the sutures
- Rinse with the medicated rinse given to you. (Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.12% as per the instructions given)
- Return to the office for the follow-up and removal of the sutures when determined by the Doctor.
Remember that your care of the treated area will determine the results of this phase of your treatment. IF THE BLEEDING CONTINUES OR THERE IS EXTREME PAIN, COMMUNICATE WITH US IMMEDIATELY (T) (786) 671-0174
Immendiate denture instructions
These instructions will help you in the process of healing and adpation to your new immediate denture.
- DO NOT remove the denture(s) during the first 24 hours. You can only remove them to rinse them after eating, and reinsert them immediately.
- You should return to the office the following day for a follow-up appointment and for any necessary adjustments.
- It is very important to maintain an appropriate nutrition during the healing process.It will be uncomfortable to eat with your denture(s). It’s recommended to chose soft foods, and go progressing as time goes by.h
- You will feel a sensation of fullness, excess of saliva, and difficulty tasting foods; this all will minimize gradually.
- At first you might experience difficulty speaking, reading out loud will help you to adapt.
- The denture(s) should be cleaned with a toothbrush under the faucet with the water running. DO NOT use toothpaste to clean them. You may also use Efferdent
Remember that immediate dentures are not definite; there are many changes the first months following the extractions. It is possible to need a reline approximately 3 months after, inclusive a new and definite denture one year after the extractions have been done.
Remember this could be an uncomfortable process that demands of time and patience, but with the help of your dentist and following the recommended instructions it will be more effective.
Dr. Maria H Figueredo, DMD
Orthodontic Care
Oral hygiene and general care is crucial for a good outcome of your orthodontic treatment.
Things that you should avoid when having braces and or orthotic/orthodontic appliances are:
- Eat hard foods, mostly with your front teeth. Like very hard toasted bread, apples, “chicharron”, chicken wings, candies. Upon biting these foods could dislodge the brackes.
- Eat gum. This is a NO NO thing to do. Gum will get entrapped around brackets or any appliance you are wearing and will be very difficult to remove. This eventually will cause decay in your teeth due to the sugar content of it
- Eat popcorn. This delicious movie snacks have the very tiny shell of the corn that could get stacked in between your gums and the brackets and the teeth. If you don’t realize it they will cause an infection of your gums. But if you attempt to remove them you could dislodge a bracket.
- Use toothpick to clean anything around.
- Remove any wire, ligature or fixed appliance by your own. If there is anything bothering because it is loose or impinging your gums, just come to the office and we will fix it.
Things you should do when having braces and or orthotic/orthodontic appliances are:
- BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH ! Every time you eat you must brush your teeth thoroughly. This will prevent decay of your teeth, bad breath and gum disease.
- Floss ! You may use a regular floss with a threader . We offer an orthodontic floss which is very easy and quick to use with no need of threader . You must floss everyday !!! The one at bedtime is actually the most important one.
- Waterpick or oral irrigator. You can find this at any pharmacy. You may mix water with the rinse of your preference and irrigate with it, ideally after every meal or at least at bedtime.
- PhosFluor. It is an orthodontic rinse that will be provided in the office to rinse daily. It will reinforce your floride and prevent decalcification and decay of your teeth.
- Any time that you feel something loose or impinging your gum, call to the office.
In your smart phone you can download this app. It has very helpful hints to assist you during the process of your orthodontic treatment.
If you have a dental emergency you can call to (305) 558.2133 or email us at: contact@healthysmile-dental.com
Otherwise you may follow these hints until you can visit us at the office:
- Broken tooth or a filling that fall off – If it is painful, inmediatelly call to aour emergency number. If it is just sensitive or not painful, go to your nearest pharmacy and get a temporary dental cement. Follow the pamphlet instructions to apply it to your tooth.
- Had a recent Extraction or surgery and the site keeps bleeding. These are things that will help to control your bleeding and clot:
- Bite with pressure over wet (with very cold water) gauze for 20-30 minutes
- Bite with pressure over a tea bag (dry, do not make the hot infusion)
- Put ice pack in your face at level of the extraction site
- Keep your head always higher than the rest of your body, even to sleep
- DO NOT smoke, drink with straw, spit abruptly or sob
- Keep soft and cold diet
- Had a recent surgery and some stitches are loose – just leave them alone, until Dr can cut them off. Do not pull them or attempt to cut them off.
- Had a bone graft procedure and the membrane came off – just leave it and avoid sobbing, smoking, spitting and straws. Go to the office as soon as you can.
- Filling high upon mastication – avoid that side for chewing until Dr can adjust the filling. You may take over the counter antiinflammatories (Motrin or Tylenol) every 6-8 hrs to prevent inflammation of the PDL.
- Denture loose – denture adhesives could help to maintain your denture in place until you can have a proper adjustment by the dentist. They can be found in the dental isle in any pharmacy.